WesternU E-Learning

Online Training for Faculty and Staff

” In order to create a true culture of learning and engagement, it’s important to help students to feel safe and comfortable, help them feel appreciated, and help them feel challenged. You want to make sure that learners aren’t just consuming content in order to regurgitate it for a final exam. But rather, they’re learning it well enough to be able to apply the knowledge to real-life situations.”

Oliver Schinkten


As you start to design your learner engagement interactions, consider Bloom’s Taxonomy and challenge your students to achieve those higher-order thinking skills. This topic will explore areas of online learner engagement and provide tips and best practices for how to maintain those interactions.

Learning Objectives

  • Engage Learners
  • Foster learner-to-learner communication
  • provide summative & formative feedback
  • Create an online presence
  • Maintain an online presence
  • Build rapport
  • Set guidelines & expectations

Learning Path Details

  • 16 minutes of content, appx.
  • 7 videos of learning content

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